Just a quick note:
As I am trying to get all of my things under one umbrella, I am migrating the Holliday Road blog over to my own server.
The new web address for the blog is http://www.royholliday.com/category/blog/ or you can simply go to www.RoyHolliday.com and navigate the main menu. It is under the "stuff" category.
I've been very happy with Blogger.com, no complaints, just trying to get everything in one place as I build out the next phase of projects.
I will be adding some non-show content to the blog, documenting my ever worsening driving addiction. It all ties in with the whole live show thing and will make more sense later as the whole site and branding evolve.
Thanks again for reading and I hope I will see you all on the other side in the future!
Stay Gold,